Link Your Record

Have an existing permit that you would like access to through your ACA account? You will need to register for an account within the new system. To Register for a free account please follow the instruction below.  Already have an account? Click the link below in the Linking Your Permits section to continue..



For first time users, as noted above, you will need to register for a new account with our Online Permitting System. If you have an account, please continue with Step 2 below.

To create an account, click on Apply Online to be routed to the Online Permitting System login page. Click on "Register Now" in the lower right corner, and register with your email address.

You will be asked to provide the following information to open an account.

  1. Choose a username and password
  2. Personal and Contact Information
  3. License Numbers if you are registering as a licensed professional

After you register, you'll receive a confirmation email.

Once you confirm your account, you're ready to apply and link any existing permits.

Linking Your Existing Permits

Once you have an account created click the link below to link your existing permit records to your account. You will need the record number and pin number to link your records.

Link Your Permits Here